Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas was nice.. James had to work until 11pm on Sunday night, so it was our first time together on Xmas Eve. Usually we visit with his family that day, then that night he stays with them and I go to my family's. He'd come to my house on Christmas day. So Christmas Eve didn't feel as Christmasy as usual, but it was still nice and we stayed up quite late wrapping presents.

We got up early and headed to my family's first. There we had omlettes and opened gifts. I think I will have to take some photographs of things and make a post about gifts haha. Later we went to see his Mom, Grandma, and sister.

James is sick with horrible congestion and an awful sounding cough. He was in bed nearly all day today, as well as yesterday. I think he will have to call in sick to work tomorrow. It isn't much fun. And today we were supposed to get delicious treats and wine and etc for New Years, as we were planning on staying we will still do that but with out much festivity. sigh.

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