Thursday, August 16, 2007

UGH!! This grey cloudy weather and the pressure changing is really, really driving my head crazy. Horrrrrible headaches yesterday and today and now. Nausea. Hurts to keep my eyes open. Ever since I can remember I've gotten headaches from the weather..If these can ruin my day, I can't even imagine what a real-deal migraine would be like. It's been hard to concentrate on my projects, and I'm scared I've fallen behind schedule. Gonna have to pick up the pace.

A couple weeks back, when my family went to Michigan, my Grandma and Aunt Jayne gave me this vintage umbrella...




I'd never seen one like it! I was completely surprised when I opened it up haha. How neat is that?


  1. What a beautiful pattern on the inside! I have a cute vintage umbrella with a faux bamboo handle, and I can't decide if I can part with it yet. Anyway, your blog is fun, and so is your shop!

  2. Squeeee! I love umbrellas with designs on the underside (for years I had one with the ceiling of Grand Central Station in NYC), and that one is absolutely unique and adorable. What a wonderful way to make rainy days more fun!!! Thanks for sharing such pretty pics with us.

  3. i love your new umbrella!

  4. ugh...migraines are the worst!
    BE GONE! Hope ya' feel better!
    Lovely umbrellas!

  5. What a beautiful umbrella!

    I am sorry to hear you head feels like friends think I am a little nutty when I say that I get weather induced headaches. I want to say I am glad I am not the only one, but really I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

    I hope you feel better!

  6. beautiful umbrella! hope you feel better!

  7. pretty! I would have jump with joy, hope you feel better :D

  8. Thanks everyone! I just wonder now if i'll ever feel ok to actually USE it in the rain? haha. ...and yeah, Jessica, i think my whole family suffers from weather induced headaches haha. it makes sense! pressure changes and lack of sun! No good! ...thankfully the sun was out today and the weather evened out a bit..feeling much better and i hope it continues!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. prettiest umbrella i've ever seen! <3 you have cool relatives! ha.

    sorry about your migranes, my dad has them and he said they are the worst. hope you're feeling better dear! (ps, thanks for the helpful commentary on my designs! you are always so sweet!)

  11. I adore that second umbrella!


  12. er-I meant the inside.

    Must. Get. Coffee.


  13. Danni- yeah, the thing is, the headaches I get aren't officially migraines..I can't even imagine the pain your dad must go through. so awful and just plain annoying! ..and I love seeing your designs!

    Thanks Jenny! I do, too haha.

  14. What a grand parasol!!! : ) You get your own little, personal magic garden each time you look up!!

  15. that's beautiful! i love orange and blue together.


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