Monday, June 11, 2007

haha Well as you may have read over at my Mom's blog (yes, I am a bit embarrassed), it is true, I will have some exciting news this Tuesday. So I hope you stay tuned!

Rachael M.
Liz Elayne
Please do send me an email with your mailing address if you'd like a little something sent your way since you were sweet enough to say hello on the delurk post!

edit: here is email letswritecaitlin [at] hotmail [dot] com


  1. Ugh, way to leave hangin' you nerd!!! I can't wait this that long!!!! I LOVE surprises!!! (It's a pony isn't it, you're getting a pony, YAY!)

  2. hahaah it kinda feels like I'm getting a pony. ..And my Mom keeps making posts abuot it haha and it's reminding me of Peter Pan when they have to ask all the kiddies to clap their hands if they believe in fairies haha. They need your help!

    ..haha but I eally will need all the help I can get..


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