Monday, April 14, 2008

I made a Muxtape, too.
(Even though I can't always hear it with my Firefox browser.)

The one I have up now works well with chilly rainy nights. ..Hoping soon they become warm rainy nights.


  1. you are very welcome!
    I had made a post of it a while back on my blog and my husband suprised me with it for Christmas!
    I love it!

  2. Hi Caitlin, those lampshades are great and congrats on creating quite the blog buzz! I just now responded to that gem of a comment you left on my blog because I have been blog-slacking.

    Aren't you excited that we're finally getting some decent spring days around here?


  3. i love your muxtape mix. didn't know about muxtape, so now i think i have to make one too. :P
    it will take me until xmas to finish.

    hope you're enjoying the fantastic weather!

  4. Thanks for the muxtape link.

    I don't comment anymore because I am lazy...but I am still here!

  5. both of you let me know when you make one!


Thanks for your comments! I try to always respond.

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