Sunday, June 14, 2009

oh man..did you ever have one of these? I think I had two in 6th grade! I got myself a black one, and then someone gave me a blue one I believe. ....and did you have those tiny case purses..they were like, little treasure chests. I can't seem to find an image, but they were often shiny black or clear vinyl with multi-colored glitter. The backpack purse and the "treasure chest" purses were both found in the shopping mall at Claire's and Afterthoughts, duh.


  1. I had a tiny plaid backpack freshmen year of high school. I think I was very anti-purse at that age and it was my compromise. & I'm sure I got it from Claires. Or Bakers. Yeesh.

  2. hahaha nice! oh yeah bakers too.. i had the "coolest" boots from bakers in 7th grade..i drew pictures of them in my diary haha


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