Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Flea Market of the Season



A couple weeks ago I spent a Saturday afternoon at a flea market with Casey and Sarah. It was a lot of fun getting together with them and it was my first flea of the season. I was pretty's nice to casually look around and not be too tempted. I walked away with these linens, some jewelry bits, as well as some decals and a lovely print that Sarah surprised me with. I haven't put any of those up yet so I'll share a photo once I do! I'm excited to use the linens, the larger one will probably come in handy at craft shows.


  1. wow! i didn't see that peach/chain necklace. so lovely!

  2. sarah- i love it! not sure if i'll keep it that way or change it up..

    anabela- i was so excited to find that bottom cloth! i thought the colors seemed an unusual combination..and i have seen a lot of tablecloths!

  3. lovely finds!

    I am hitting the first of the season here in Pa next weekend!

  4. wonderful! this is my favorite time of year! ok well, april-october is my favorite time of year.. haha

  5. I love the prints on the fabrics, especially the one on the left. It reminds me a little bit of the Eloise illustrations for some reason. Beautiful!


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