Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Water

Hey pals!
It has been a while..summer really makes one busy! I've got a lot to share with you, so I hope you'll stay tuned while I try and get back in the swing of blogging.

Right now I have some great news! Perhaps you've already heard, as I'm sure many of you who read this blog also enjoy my great friend Anabela's blog........
We are working on a project together called Summer Water! It has been in the works since the spring of '09- I guess we are daydreamers and value the wonderful ideas that come when you take your time and let them evolve, haha. Anyway, it's here and it was worth the wait for us. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Summer Water

Summer Water

Summer Water

The name Summer Water was drawn from one of our most favorite artists, Colleen. Here is the song..

A love for Colleen was one of the first of many things that Anabela and I bonded over when we first began talking in 2007. It was very exciting for me to come across a girl who also enjoys Colleen! haha I am a dork like that- but really, she was the first! I think most girls (especially) can appreciate Colleen once they hear her's so dreamy, peaceful, yet sometimes spooky. Just like all those movies we seem to like, right? Picnic at Hanging Rock..Valerie and Her Week of know!

I hope you'll bookmark the Summer Water blog where we plan to update often, and keep your eyes peeled on the Summer Water shop. We decided to give Big Cartel a try (I'm excited!), and will most likely expand to Etsy, perhaps after this first run of items.

You can read more about Summer Water and see another sneak peak at this post on Anabela's blog.

I'll be back soon with more things to share :)


  1. I guess I'm a dork too... I just remembered this. In 2003-2004 I was on Friendster and I decided to see if anyone else had Colleen in his or her favourite music. Only one person did, a girl named Tara. I looked at her profile and thought, she is so beautiful. A few months later my friend Ben started dating her, and now they're engaged! Pretty funny, huh?

  2. hahaha! that is nuts! but i love when things like that happen. it's very nice.

  3. I'm so excited for this you guys! That fabric is stunning, Caitlin! Ha, so true about those movies that we love. I was just thinking about that earlier after seeing Elvira Madigan on Anja's blog. Dreamy, weird, girly-ish ones are the best!

  4. I'm so excited about this store and this epic partnership. Great things can only come of this!!

  5. Hello, I popped over here from Anabela's blog to tell you how gorgeous the Summer Water fabric is. Looking forward to watching things develop :)

  6. thank you all so much! i can't wait to show you the rest! :)

  7. Hi there. I'm totally new to your blog (via Anabela). These summer water bags are so gorgeous... can't wait for the shop to open!

  8. Everything for summer water is so beautiful! I love love love the fabrics and little tag you designed, ahhh!


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