Monday, August 23, 2010

The Vintage Bazaar, #2





Sunday was The Vintage Bazaar! Thanks to all who made it out, and an extra huge thanks to my booth partner of the day, my mom, Mary.  I couldn't have done it without her and it was really nice to do this show with her. She loves vintage just as much as I do.

I'm still learning a lot, as this was my second time selling vintage in person.. next time I may have to suck it up and cut down on the amount of housewares that I bring...I am SUCH a sucker for vintage housewares, especially dishes, but they don't seem to sell quick enough for me to warrant the space and time it takes to pack them, etc.. We'll see.. It's really difficult for me to leave anything at home! My heart keeps suggesting, 'But what if today is the day for the gorgeous set of vintage glassware to meet the one??' Because things like that DO happen, haha! For example, I sold an absolutely beautiful vintage embroidered dress to a woman that was made to own that piece. It was a wonderful feeling..She tried it on over her clothing and even people who were walking by stopped to gawk at how lovely it was on her. One gentleman even came back a bit later to make sure that she had purchased it! She definitely was the one for that dress.

It was a great show and seriously, an amazing selection of vintage. It is kind of masochistic of me to vend at this event rather than shop... So many great vendors- check out the list, most of them also sell online!

I am still very tired from the weekend....and it's countdown time 'til Renegade on Sept. 11 and 12!!


  1. Your setup looks great, sad I couldn't make it. My mom wanted to go to the Sandwich Antique Fair, which was a sad sad skeleton of the former glory. Also, people didn't snap up housewears?! Totally my fav. thing, I'm on the lookout for ones to do with bees + honey, but never have much luck.

  2. hey, jen! awww..yeah..sandwich is so, so sad now. i haven't been at all this year, in fact, this is the first year in MANY that I have not gone out to that one! it use to be THE BEST, didn't it?? really a bummer.. also wheaton had their all night flea saturday night, but i had to miss out on that obviously haha..still haven't made it to that... if i find anything with bees/honey i'll let you know! we should flea sometime!

  3. i'm glad i was your booth neighbor! sorry i didn't have the time to give you meaningful advice like the neighbor from home improvement over our wooden fence/sign.

  4. your booth looked great! and i love my bag! and i love your mom!

  5. Wow, girl! That's a lot of stuff!! For some reason I wasn't picturing that much stuff (maybe because when I've done rummage sales I just have a tiny trunk & a bit of table). It all looks so good! I love housewares! Wish I could have been there, I would have accumulated a ton of pretty things, I bet.

  6. everything looks amazing! i wish so much there were things like this where i live.
    love the anecdote aboout the woman and the dress. life seems so perfect when things are just meant to be like that!

  7. wow, such a wonderful looking booth, also did those blue flower glasses sell? how stunning. congrats on your success.

  8. Hi there, it was nice being your neighbor again! I'll be helping my friend Albert at Renegade so maybe we'll see you again. :)

  9. Thank you all for such sweet comments!

    Tara-Lynn, the glasses haven't sold! haha I kinda love them so at the same time I'm glad.... They are just pretty and STURDY. Also I noticed a while back that the same set is in the Virgin Suicides movie haha.


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